Thursday, May 1, 2008

Off The Shelf


From the mind of Mat Johnson and the hands of Warren Fleece, this tale of undercover black journalism in the face of racism in the deep South is a soul stirrer indeed! Set with the backdrop of the burgeoning Harlem Renaissance, a writer that can pass for white sets off to document the inhumane atrocities being brought upon blacks in the South; at the risk of being exposed himself, and then having his work published under the byline 'Incognegro'. Seeking more recognition for his work, he is given a last undercover assignment: covering a case about his brother being involved with the death of a white woman.

What makes this bitter pill easier to swallow is Mat's ability to add a touch of levity to a very serious and deathly situation. The logic that which Incognegro and his partner uses to get out of jams is very funny and fairly accurately portrayed of how slaves used to get over on the 'man' in that era. I especially loved the 'Brer Rabbit/Brer Bear dialogue that took place in one scene. Pleece's art does favor Brian Hurtt from Hard Time, but it visualized the story beautifully and everything was well paced; it never felt like Johnson was in a rush to neatly wrap it up. It would be nice to see either some kind of follow-up or prequel books of certain characters. I believe that some great stories can come from it.

I recommend this be included on the Black Expressions' list of books that they solicit in their catalogs that they send to subscribers. (I know, I am thinking small; but if you ever received books from Black Expressions that you didn't order, then you know where I am coming from) Seriously, this should be required reading for African American classes in high schools and given some recognition during Black History Month; along with Satchel Paige, Striking Out Jim Crow. Books like these need that type of exposure, to show that the medium is not all about capes & tights, but, and most importantly, to provide another avenue for Blacks to express their creative voices in passing of our tales to future generations.

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