Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Was Dave Stevens the Modern Master of Good Girl Art?

Adam Hughes, Frank Cho and Terry Dodson are all great artists but, their styles would remind one of Dave Stevens. Dave Stevens the modern-day pioneer of Good Girl Art. The art of Dave Stevens was a homage to the early days of comic art. The "modern-day pioneer" comes from the fact it was the Dave Stevens art that inspired many of today's artists. Adam Hughes has stated the Dave Stevens influence on his art.

Dave Stevens was a great comics artist. He is famous for creating The Rocketeer as a backup story in the Mike Grell title Starslayer, from Pacific Comics. I Can remember reading The first Rocketeer Magazine and being totally blown away? It was taking a chance because it wasn't a mainstream thing. It didn't look like any comics fron DC or Marvel. It was like watching the Flash Gordon serial with Buster Crabbe. The story read like a 1930s movie with cliffhangers and great art.

Dave Stevens is not only known for his pin-up/good girl art but, his illustrations of the model Bettie Page. She was the inspiration for the girlfriend of the Rocketeer book. His illustrations of Bettie Page helped to renew interest in her and elevated her popularity.

Unfortunately Stevens passed away this past March but, not without leaving a legacy of wonderful art. And if there is any doubt about his art get yourself a copy of the Rocketeer or the book Brush with Passion: The Life and Art of Dave Stevens. The truly sad thing about his passing is the unfinished Superman/Rocketeer 1938.

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