Friday, March 21, 2008

Another Try with the Fish Guy

Rumors are flying over the Internet comics news sites about the return of Aquaman to the DC universe shortly. Aquaman is one of DC Comics Icons. He is the Monarch of the seas and a long standing Justice League member. His contribution to the DC universe includes being one of the first heroes to be married, the first to have a child, the first to lose a child, and the first to divorce. He was chosen in the sixties to headline his own cartoon (it doesn't matter if you like it or not, its a pretty cool distinction). He was a headliner in the Superfriends (not the best showcase for him).

But Aquaman stands out for me during his long and popular run in Adventure Comics, notably drawn by Jim Aparo. This is where I fell in love with the character. Aparo's slick figure was powerful and graceful, the stories were gripping and believe it or not event free. Consider that the death of his son was handled like any other issue of the series but, the reverberations have lasted to this day. Most writers fail with this character because they either keep him steeped in his grief of losing his child and wife (divorced him after losing Arthur Jr.) or boring us with the constant who will take over Atlantis stories.

Which brings me to his other run with distinction ... helmed by Peter David (3rd series). Peter David gave us a little bit of all the Aquaman runs. The anger was there, the conquest of Atlantis was there, but none of it preoccupied the series. The character actually worked through the issues, and became the undisputed King of Atlantis. His title was now recognized by the entire DC universe. Characters, villians, every day people and dignitaries all understood his standing and treated him accordingly.

If DC brings him back this year this will be the 5th series for Aquaman, and I will admit that maybe thats 3 too many.

That being said I am a huge Aquaman fan and I think he still has life in him and rarely has DC truly met this characters potential. The problem is that a lot of folks think of the character as the Superfriends guy who swims under water and talks to fish. If you haven't given the character a chance because you remember when... then check out my recommended readings, and if you still can't stand him then that's ok, at least it will be an informed decision.

Recommended readings:
The Atlantis Chronicles
Aquaman: Time and Tide
Adventure Comics 441
Series 3 Aquaman by Peter David and others
Grant Morrison's run on the JLA
Worlds at War DC Universe event.
Joe Kelly's run on the JLA

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Gotham Admin said...
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